1. The Two Hollywoods
         Part One: The New System
2. The Creators 
3. Americanizing the World
4. The Sexopoly
5. The Clearinghouse Concept
          Part Two: The Art of Deception, the Deception of Art
6. Development Hell
7. The Green Light
8. Preparing the Illusion
9. Lights, Cameras, Action
10. Bits and Pieces
11. Completing the Illusion
           Part Three: The Creation of Audiences
12. The Awareness Mission
13. The Drive
14. D Day
           Part Four: The Economic Logic of Hollywood
15. The Popcorn Economy
16. Alien Territory
17. The DVD Revolution
18. The Television Windfall
19. License to Merchandise
20. The Learning Imperative
21. The Midas Formula
           Part Five: The Social Logic of Hollywood
22. Homo Luden
23. The Communal Instinct
24. The New Elites
25. Hollywood at Work and Play
26. The Culture of Deception
            Part Six: The Political Logic of Hollywood
27. The Pictures in Our Heads
28. The Rules of the Game
29. The World According to Hollywood
             Epilogue: The Once and Future Hollywood

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